5 Reasons Why Fall is the Best Time to Return to School

A laptop sits on a picnic table covered in yellow leaves.
Category: Going Back to School

By Brittany Fillmore
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Returning to a school-focused mindset can be challenging for adult learners who have been out of a traditional classroom setting for quite some time. Columbia Southern University is here to help change the mindset of those who might be intimidated to go back to school. Here are five reasons why fall is the perfect time to begin your journey:

1. Your family is back in the school mindset.

You’ve recently gotten your kids off to their new school year. Since you have already prepared the family with the proper essentials, what’s stopping you from charging your laptop and opening your book to pursue your own education?

2. You want to set a good example for your kids.

Many adults use the excuse that if they go back to school, they will spend less time with their family. While there might be time sacrifices, you can make small changes like doing homework together to show your children that you’re working just as hard as they are. As a family, you are all in it together.

3. You’re up for a promotion at the end of the year.

Take the extra step to work toward a promotion by showing your boss that you have the drive to better yourself in the workforce. This might just give you the extra boost you need.

4. You want to check off a goal you set in January.

“Going back to school” might be a recurring New Year’s resolution that you just quite have not been able to check off. What’s stopping you now? If you start in the fall, you won’t have to write that goal down again this New Year.

5. You’re ready for a change.

One of the many reasons why adult learners go back to school is because they are seeking a career change. Whether you’re looking to switch departments or industries, earning your degree is a smart first step to do so.

Your Next Steps

We have a full admissions team and student support department eager to help you on your educational journey as a non-traditional student. Check out ColumbiaSouthern.edu to view online learning options for every schedule.

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